In the beginning
Vedas, the most ancient and comprehensive body of knowledge, have their origin in the Primordial Creator and have been received by humanity through our sages, Rishis. As the Rishis are the primary human links in the knowledge chain, the knowledge is ‘Arsha‘ meaning ‘From the Rishis’. Incredibly, this unique body of knowledge, Vijnana, has been preserved in letter and spirit to this day due to the guru-sishya parampara, teacher-student lineage, and kept alive at the traditional institutions of learning and culture called Gurukulams. Every student is resident in the Gurukulam for the entire duration of their education.
Arsha Vijnana Gurukulam was started as a unique Gurukulam where traditional teaching was presented simultaneously in both Veda and Vedanta streams.
Teaching Programs

In this residential teaching program, we also teach the Sanskrit language along with the Paninian system of grammar, elements of the Indian system of logic and other allied subjects. The teaching program also includes training in Vedic chanting, performing pujas, etc.